Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow. Here we are already moving into March. Amazing. I wanted to give a brief update and share some pictures. I regretfully haven't taken enough this month. Just so much happening. We did get moved and I'm almost done putting the house together. We LOVE the house. It's funny cause there's not as much room, but we feel more comfortable. Like it's cozier. Joshua started at his new school a couple weeks ago. The first week was very exciting for him and every day he came home in a great mood. The second week he was a little more reluctant to go. He's starting to miss his old school although he's doing very well in his new class. All in all the transition has gone pretty smooth. He starts soccer here in Erie mid-March and that'll help him adjust a lot. Charlie's the one that's had the hardest time in the new place! Luckily we no longer have to go to the "old house" so he won't be reminded of the change. Falon is great. She's grown so much this last month. Today she's 6 months old. I take her to the doc on Monday for her check-up and shots.

Let's move on to the pics...

We all got a pretty nasty cold. Poor Charlie and Falon got the worst of it.
Falon found the baby in the mirror.

Nebulizer treatments look sad but help a ton.

Her first try with rice cereal! She did great! That's all she'll try. If I attempt to give her anything else she makes a face like I'm forcing medicine on her or something. I'll just keep offering!

The boys have a great time in the leaf piles.

Falon learned how to jump. It's one of her favorite things to do. And look at her fuzzy head!

Charlie announces "I did it!" whenever he does something he's proud of.

There's my Joshua! Like his hair? He likes to do it in a fauxhawk. :0)

Charlie looked cute in his rainboots and diaper. I wanted a picture and he thought it was hilarious to run away from me.

Falon's sitting up! She still topples often, but can stay up for a good while.

And look at that beeeeeaaaauuuuutiful sweater she's wearing. That would be the handiwork of my very own mama.

You should feel how soft and snuggly it is.
(Joshua is so handsome back there.)

1 comment:

  1. The kids are getting so big! If you guys ever make it through this area please feel free to drop by, I'd love to meet them and I'm sure Jason would too.
