Friday, April 3, 2009

So Much Love

Just thought this looked cool. This is standing on my front porch.
Falon's pretty happy just sitting with a few toys.

This was so cute. Charlie adores his daddy.

I have so much love for my family that, at times, I feel as if I might lose all emotional control and turn into a big puddle of mush on the floor. Somehow I manage to reign it in. But as I'm reprimanding one of my children for walking through the house with mud on their shoes, listening to another one whine with hunger, trying to empty the dishwasher and get dinner started, keeping an eye on the clock so we're not late to soccer practice, smelling something funky coming from one of my kids (that I will have to take care of), and helping with homework all simultaneously. Which is just scratching the surface some days. I always try to stop myself and close my eyes in the midst of it all. I take a breath and remind myself that I will miss this moment in a few short years. I will miss the chaos of it all. I will miss my children needing me the way they do now. And I well up. I well up with so much love I can't hold it in. It pours out over my kids and suddenly I find all the patience in the universe to deal with whatever they sling at me. (Even if the slinging is literal and it involves something wet, slimy, and/or sticky!) I love my children.


Only Falon's 2nd time in the big tub. She loves it!

Charlie didn't mind her in there at all.

Joshua thought is was funny that he could "shoot" his brother from the other side...

Falon was laughing so hard at me. Brandon tried to get it on video, but she likes to look at him and the camera. He got a couple good giggles, though.

Love to all!

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