Thursday, December 18, 2008

This is the necklace my Grandma and Grandpa sent me. Not for xmas, but because they wanted me to know I'm special to them! My heart welled up.

My Grandpa did all the silversmithing. He MADE this cross for me. He DUG UP the stone with his very own hands. He cut it and polished it and lovingly placed it on the cross he made. Words can't explain how much I will forever cherish this.

Here you can kinda see some of the flecking in the stone. It has gorgeous blues and greens throughout. It's called a Spencer Opal. My Grandpa dug it up in Spencer, Id.

And here I'm wearing it!!!
Falon was happy to see her daddy tonight. They really adore each other.
Not long before Brandon got home tonight I heard a weird hissing noise coming from the basement. Upon investigation I discovered our hot water heater was spraying water in all directions from everywhere. This was the topper on a not so wonderful day, so getting my special gift made me feel like the grinch.
My heart grew three sizes today! I truly love the holiday season!
Love to all.


  1. You are a special person, Kyra! What a wonderful thing for your grandpa to do. I didn't realize you were having a bad day! Did you get the hot water heater fixed? The pics of Falon and Brandon are great!
